In a hip city like Austin, you need to be in the know about where to get that perfect cup of joe. Now, All My Sons has named this list the top three coffee shops in Austin, but there are probably closer to 20 great coffee shops in the eclectic city of Austin. We put together some the local favorites here so that anyone new to Austin can use the list to get out and find a coffee shop that hits that java craving spot.
Pie – E – Tea – This is a two for one special. One of the best coffee shops in Austin, they have an even better bakery. This little spot is an addition to a pizza place next door that’s known for its phenomenal pies. They use that amazing sourdough bread technique to conjure up a storm of great bakery products. The same pride and attention is paid to the coffee. Yes please!
Two Hands – Coffee for Goodness Sake is the slogan on the wall when you walk in, and that says it all. Two Hands is a great little spot for the avid coffee lover. Gourmet coffee is a word that is often thrown around with reckless abandon, but this place comes close to really achieving that status.
Beware Coffee – Talk about a hole in the wall coffee joint, Beware Coffee doesn’t even have walls. Located in a parking lot in what used to be a moving trailer of some kind, Beware Coffee is a great little spot and an absolute gem out of all the coffee shops in Austin.